
Counting My Blessings

Whenever I'm feeling blue about something, or I really don't think straight about a situation, Jim makes sure I talk to my mom. Although he does a good job of supporting my actions and encouraging me, my mom always brings me down to earth. Yesterday a found out some news about a family member, and I didn't take it well. I talked to my mom and she told me to, "count your blessings." God has given Jim and I two stable jobs, a house, two working cars, food on the table every night, and encourages us everyday to make the most of it.

It's our natural instinct to get jealous, prideful, or just mean when someone gets what you have been striving for. However, we always need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. God gives us the strength to accomplish struggles in our daily lives. He is our strength when we are weak, he is the treasure that we seek.

And so I am counting my blessings. I'm happy for this family member. I'm happy that what's coming her way will make her even happier.

“When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.” 1 Corinthians 15:28

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