
Movie Night

Yay for The Breakfast Club!



Easter Sunday came and went very smoothly. The best thing about it was that I was able to spend the day with my nephew. Even though he's teething at the moment, he's still adorable. Jim and his mom went to the Easter service at our church, and from the looks of it I think she enjoyed it to some degree. I cooked and was not able to recollect the importance of the day. So today I am.

5 The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."

It's so uplifting to read this. To think about all the wrong I do on a daily basis and to know I'll be free is so empowering.

I'm looking outside our kitchen window and it is a gorgeous day. Actually gorgeous can be an understatement. It's more like magnificent, strikingly beautiful, absolutely breath taking, Can you tell we have not had this weather in a long time? But we can compromise on gorgeous. I'm sure it has reached 60 degrees by now which I am now considering "beach weather." Having this statement come from a Floridan should mean a lot. I should really start my habitual jogs again. I had all intentions to do it last night when I came home from work, but didn't because the winter has made me L-A-Z-Y. Plus, if you're looking for a lame excuse, you can't actually jog in the snow. So, whoever reads this inspire me somehow! Alissa, I'm ready! Let's start our AM routines on the the boardwalk again.

Today is my day off from work (which doesn't happen very often) so I'm doing the norm: grocery shopping, enjoying the weather, and cleaning my car for my annual inspection. Not terribly exciting. Actually, it's not the least bit exciting. Oh well. life goes on.



You know those times where you've been wanting something for a long time and then you find out it happened to someone else? Yea, I had one of those moments yesterday.


Take My Beath Away

You are so deserving of every good thing that can come your way. And I want you to know, if I could have a wish come true, I'd wish for every day of your life to be blessed with some special gift that warms your heart, some gentle smile that touches your soul, and so many things that simply take your breath away.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away," Anonymous.


Happy 20th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Twenty things my parents taught me about marriage:

1.Never go to bed angry.
2. Communicate.
3. Don't argue in front of the children.
4. Continue to date each other.
5. Pray and tithe.
6. Always trust their final decision.
7. Express your love languages towards each other.
8. Don't sweat the small stuff.
9. Listen when the other one has concerns.
10.Never go to bed angry.
11. Support the decision making.
12. Don't take sides.
13. Always make sure God is the center of the relationship.
14. Have fun.
15. Don't ever focus on the negative.
16. Lift each other up.
17. Laugh.
18. Never bring up mistakes from the past.
19. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly.
20. Never go to bed angry.

I know Alan Jackson would be proud too.


THS: St. Patrick

10 Things about St. Patrick: And nothing about Guinness.

1. He was the son of a Roman official, Calpurnius, living in Wales.

2. When he was about sixteen he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he lived for six years before escaping and returning to his family.

3.He dreamed of having seen God by guiding him to escape with a getaway ship to travel to Britain, and France.

4. There he joined a monastery and studied under St. Germain, the bishop of Auxerre. He spent approximately 12 years in training.

5. When loosing hope to be a missionary under King Tara, he prayed to God for inspiration. God placed a shamrock on the ground in front of him and resembled it as the blessed trinity.

6. Patrick was granted a request from the Lord that the Irish should keep the Christian faith for all time and they should be spared the horrors of the Judgment Day.

7. Patrick could judge Irish himself- legend that states Ireland will be drowned under a sea of water seven years before the last judgment originates.

8. St. Patrick is believed to have driven the snakes from Ireland, one of Christianity's most widely known figures.

9. He died on March 17, 461.

10. After his death, St Patrick is still known as the patron saint of Ireland and will be remembered by the infamous him he wrote:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.



A lesson I never learn: Don't fall asleep with contacts still in your eyes.


Beware of The Ides of March

Julius Caesar's bloody assassination on March 15, 44 B.C., forever marked March 15, or the Ides of March, as a day of infamy. It has fascinated scholars and writers ever since.

Julius Cesar was a Roman military, political leader and one of the most influential men in world history. After assuming control of government, he was proclaimed director for life and heavily centralised the bureaucracy of the Republic. A group of senators, led by Caesar's former friend Marcus Brutus assassinated him hoping to restore the normal running of the Republic. The result was another Roman civil war, which ultimately led to the establishment of a permanent autocracy by Caesar's adopted heir.

Caesar was delayed going to the Senate meeting that day because his wife tried to convince him not to go. The conspirators feared the plot had been found out. Brutus persisted, however, waiting for Caesar at the Senate, and allegedly still chose to remain even when a messenger brought him news that would otherwise have caused him to leave. Just as Tillius Cimber handed Cesar a petition asking him to hand power back to the Senate, he pulled down his tunic while Casca thrusted his dagger through Cesar's neck.

The famous last words, "You too Brutus?" will haunt The Roman Empire forever.


FCAT Frenzy

Been there done that. According to this three page editorial, the system has changed a little with the grade levels.

Good luck to all!


The Break Room

During the day I count the minutes at work until I'm able to take my hour break. Some days it flies by other days it drags on. Today was in between. This evening I headed up to the break room, to eat my dinner like I always do. There's always a few employees in there and the plasma television is great. Tonight, there was a lady eating her dinner that works in the moderates department.

**Side note: to give you an update on my manager's father, he passed early Monday AM. He's been suffering ever since the passing of her mother back in January.**

The lady asked me how my manager's dad was doing. Just putting a whole baby carrot in my mouth I could only give her a thumbs down. She was astonished she didn't know. I started talking about it and one thing led to another and we somehow got onto the subject about were her dad and how he passed of pancreatic cancer seven years ago. She told me this great story of how he wanted to die at the summer house on the Cape. You could tell she really loved, admired and to this day won't ever forget him.

We actually shared a few tears together. It was really nice meeting more co-workers. Apparently they know me, however I really don't know them and the hour I spend with her I will never forget. Oh the memories of the break room.

But If I'm gone when you wake up
Please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up
It's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams



I think my Nano knows me so much it's scary. I always tend to have it on shuffle to just keep the spontaneity alive. Throughout today I have been really stressed. Sweating on the little things in life and not taking things into strive. However, tonight as I was driving to Lynn it played a song I haven't heard in ages. It made me "smile" because it finally made me realize life is too short to be frustrated. Thank you Hanson.

So smile, give me all your heart and we'll never be apart.
I'll never leave you alone
If you'll just smile, tell me that you care
And I'll always be there.
I'll never leave you hurt if you just smile


Literally, Literally

It fascinates me how people say the word literally. Like, "earlier today a man literally fell off the side of his balcony and was taken to Mass General." If we don't use the word literally does that mean the man really didn't fall?

Another word is personally. When you ask someone how their week went and they respond by saying, "for me personally..." That's why I'm asking you! If you didn't use the word personally would it not be a truthful answer?

Do these words need to be in our regular vocabulary? I think we're worried that people won't understand the full affect of what we're talking about unless we use either one of them. I try not to.
In other news I've been dealing with this impractical co-worker for some time now and today, as I was being a Sunday bum I came across this message:

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.

It was a little uplifting to read. I think I'm just going to try and be the bigger person and not show any emotions even though the sound of his voice and the look of him makes my skin crawl...literally.

Happy 24th Birthday Alissa!

It's a day late but... the party was fun last night! We can totally bring back the blue hair and pigtail era!



I've been typing and deleting for the past few minutes pondering about what to say. Oh yea, Rear Window is a classic. Too bad you missed it.


Will You Tell Me...

...that I am pretty at 2am?


Can't Sleep?

If you can't sleep, and you have a roommate, go into your living room and watch the Spanish channel on mute together and create your own dialogue to the bad-acting-too-many-plots-to-keep-up-with soap opera. This time will make time pass by very fast.


Inside Your Heaven

I want to be. I do, I really really do.


Bad Day

I have a co-worker that has been constantly on my nerves for about a month now. He yells at me in front of customers, sits at my desks and stares at me during the evening hours while I'm trying to do my work, and declines our bridal customers. Ergo, he's not a nice person to put it lightly.

I mean, just because in his culture they like to treat their women like dirt doesn't mean he should come over to our country and do the same. Wow, did I just say that? That's how frustrated I am. American women are strong, independent and know how to stand up to a no-good-woman-abuser. Even though I want to scream, cry and hit him all at once, I keep it to myself so he doesn't see that reaction. The one he is looking for.

I know the steps to take:
1- Confront him:
If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.

2- Confront his manager
But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

3- Confront HR
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

However, I can't do #1 because it is not allowed. #2 is a habitual "I did. He said he won't do it again." And #3 seems a little drastic to me.

Ironically, I found another song I want to pick up on the piano...

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day


Book Club

Alissa and I are going to write a book: 100 Myths about Marriage.
Watch out people, it's going to be a best seller.

Good ole Cowboy

“Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the Mason-Dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you you never go back.” -Kenny Chesney