
Filling Virgin

I got my first filling this morning. I have gone twenty-five years without having a cavity (thanks fluoride treatment) and then all of a sudden the dental hygienist gave me the news last week. Actually they have been scrutinizing this cavity for a year now, however my enamel is so thick it has actually taken a full year for the cavity to get through to the tooth.

The procedure itself only took thirty minutes and my mouth was completely numb. It's always comical going to the dentist to begin with because of the fact you have so many gadgets in your mouth and the dentist decides to start small talk with you. You lay there as the two dentists hand over special tools to each other and all you can do is listen to the horrendous sound it makes.

This wasn't even a candy cavity. Just a flossing one, which the doctor subtly told me. More flossing for me!

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