
The Break Room

During the day I count the minutes at work until I'm able to take my hour break. Some days it flies by other days it drags on. Today was in between. This evening I headed up to the break room, to eat my dinner like I always do. There's always a few employees in there and the plasma television is great. Tonight, there was a lady eating her dinner that works in the moderates department.

**Side note: to give you an update on my manager's father, he passed early Monday AM. He's been suffering ever since the passing of her mother back in January.**

The lady asked me how my manager's dad was doing. Just putting a whole baby carrot in my mouth I could only give her a thumbs down. She was astonished she didn't know. I started talking about it and one thing led to another and we somehow got onto the subject about were her dad and how he passed of pancreatic cancer seven years ago. She told me this great story of how he wanted to die at the summer house on the Cape. You could tell she really loved, admired and to this day won't ever forget him.

We actually shared a few tears together. It was really nice meeting more co-workers. Apparently they know me, however I really don't know them and the hour I spend with her I will never forget. Oh the memories of the break room.

But If I'm gone when you wake up
Please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up
It's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams

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