
Literally, Literally

It fascinates me how people say the word literally. Like, "earlier today a man literally fell off the side of his balcony and was taken to Mass General." If we don't use the word literally does that mean the man really didn't fall?

Another word is personally. When you ask someone how their week went and they respond by saying, "for me personally..." That's why I'm asking you! If you didn't use the word personally would it not be a truthful answer?

Do these words need to be in our regular vocabulary? I think we're worried that people won't understand the full affect of what we're talking about unless we use either one of them. I try not to.
In other news I've been dealing with this impractical co-worker for some time now and today, as I was being a Sunday bum I came across this message:

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.

It was a little uplifting to read. I think I'm just going to try and be the bigger person and not show any emotions even though the sound of his voice and the look of him makes my skin crawl...literally.

1 comment:

IZenBet said...

*laughs* we ponder the same things time to time erin! i wonder too when my sister sprinkles the word"like"into her conversation and almost never comes to a complete point without dousing the valley girl talk.