
Sticking Up For Myself

Jim says I need to stick up for myself more at work. Working seven days straight with five of them being 1-10 shifts can really wipe you out. Plus, it's really a stressful time because June is approaching which is the biggest wedding month out of the whole year. So this is my apology to whomever I have snapped at or have just been plain rude to within the past week. It's a lame excuse but I literally have cried myself home from work every night because of the stress.

On Saturday I made a $3,000 sale which by the end of the day doubled what we needed to make for the day. Do I get a fucking cookie for that? No. Not that I was looking for any recognition, but come on people throw me a bone sometime!

People ask me why June is the most popular month to get married. Is it too clich'e? I tell them what my mom enlightened me on when I was younger:

It all started in England during the 1500's. People took their yearly baths in May when the weather warmed up. By June, they were still fairly clean and smelled pretty good, compared to the rest of the year. **Side note: However, body odor had returned, so the brides carried a bouquet of fresh flowers to mask the scent of the odor.** Some believe the bouquet was the keep the evil demons away from the bride and her marriage. Who knows. It's fascinating how we still continue the old English traditions to this day.

Now that I'm completely off topic, I think I will voice my opinion more frequently when I have something to say at work.

First of all, HR says I have until July 1st to take my week's worth of vacation. This means I have to plain seven consecutive days for my break and not seven sporadic ones. However, my regional says I have until May 31st because I have to work the whole month of June. Please tell me who is right in this situation!

Next, instead of listening to, "Erin, please make 300 e-mails and calls (literally) by the end of the day."..."Erin, why aren't you greeting the customer at the kiosk?"..."Erin, I really need you to sit down and make those calls. Please don't ring up bridal customers." I'm going to ask firmly, but politely what would they like me to do more. Getting the current sales we are making throughout the store completed or calling and e-mailing potential sales that might not even happen?

Finally, I'm going to ask my manager if I can work 9-6 tomorrow so I'm able to see Jim before my trip. It's really not fair for him when I have the late night shifts every single day. Plus, my manager will already be working 1-10 with me Tuesday night so does it really make a difference if I change it? Two people on in the AM and one person on in the PM. Holding down the crowd on a random Tuesday night won't be too much of a struggle.

I feel like screaming, "Go go Gadget arms and legs!" Wish me luck.

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