

My happiness wore off quickly when I woke up this morning. It was still raining, so my girlfriend and I decided not to run this morning and to just meet up again on Monday. Blah. I feel like a fat loca porka at the moment.

So for the record, I just want to say that I hate paying bills. It's like they are running my life at the moment. Why can't I just receive a nice greeting card in the mail every once in awhile instead of a habitual bill. Grr. It's like every company that I pay knows how to piss me off. I think Aaron feels the same way. We got home last night and the first thing we do is finalize money and bill stuff. Sad huh? However watching an episode of Firefly always cheers me up.

The sun is finally out, and my girlfriend should be here to lay out with me in two hours. Happy weekend!

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