
A Whirlwind of a Week

Is it Thursday already? Last Thursday I was driving to Braintree hoping to receive the Macy's job there. This Thursday I'm excited to say that I start my new job- at the North Shore mall September 10th.

NO MORE LANE. Even though no day is different in the dining service area, I'm ready to leave already. Don't get me wrong, I love most of the people, and I'll be back to sporadically say hi here and there. But the 5.30am mornings are killing me.

The Macy's job requires me to help brides plan their wedding.
1. Complete the guest list and mail out announcement cards.
2. Make sure the bride has $3,000 worth of stuff on her registry. (Trust, me it's not hard to do).
3. Keep up with the Internet registered brides.
4. Send out promotion cards to post wedding.
5. Keep the bride happy at all times!

It's right up my field and I'm looking forward to it. Plus I get to dress up and look pretty everyday instead of sweating in a grease pit all day.

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